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English Version

venerdì 23 marzo 2012


I want to talk about something that I discovered a few years ago, during my extensive research on remedies for fat, and all I want to lose weight, unfortunately or fortunately I always had the problem of being very thin, randomly I imbattutta of these products for me then unknown.Phytoestrogens. Many plants contain substances similar to female hormones, even if their action is much weaker than the synthetic hormones, in some cases such as help in menopausal women, instead of hormone replacement therapy.I know it's a delicate issue and they are of vegetable origin, does not mean that it can have serious side effects too.Should always be the need to ask first a medical opinion.For example, you might be allergic to a particular type of plant and not know it.So what I propose in this post is purely for information and report my experience with this type of substances.If you are using hormone therapy I recommend not to use them absolutely as would occupy the hormone receptors and become useless the type of therapy that is being followed.So I said, during my research on remedies to gain weight, I discovered the 'existence of these plant substances.Intrigued by all this without losing a moment I went in herbalist's shop and I took the first little bottle.They were capsules fenugreek, plant known for its seeds which have a strong tonic effect.Let's say that was the first attempt and the results were obviously not the desired ones.The problem is that many plants will have the effect of estrogen but reports very low compared to the synthetic hormones of about 1000-10000 times less.So I had to hire a hay spades greek to arrive at a minimum,  in that period 4 months in which assumed it   I took 3kgs.I have not had discouraged and went forward in search ...Research at this point has shifted to phytoestrogens and I started to discover some really cool stuff.One of these was the "Saw Palmetto or Serenoa repens",  the natural equivalent of finasteride.The fruit of this plant is capable of inhibiting the effect of the dht 'androgen hormone that causes hair loss.So I started taking it and I must say that I have seen the results and , hair loss has almost stopped and my hair is back  especially in the central and the forward head area.At the same time I swelled my chest. I was also particularly pain on my right nipple  and erections decreased and libido slow down..All fantastic events for me...So I thought, if this anti-androgen like I had similar results ...I would have to put a plant that made  estrogen.The thing is born spontaneous .... I thought the myth of the beer that makes your breasts bigger.I immediately thought of the malt and hops ....Just hops was the success of my research.Here is some of the descriptions that can be found online:In the 50's were established early hormonal effects of hops that contains substances similar to estrogen. The proof is the fact that during the collection, women, irrespective of the cycle period, suffered the onset of menstruation. Estrogenic substances were present in small quantity in beer hopsizated which is indicated for the treatment of disorders and menstrual irregularities, menopausal disorders and to curb the male hypersexuality. The female flowers of hops are beneficial even in case of premature ejaculation and nocturnal emission plus contains Xanthohumol.The molecule, polyphenolic Xanthohumol is a family of prenylated flavonoids. Of the same family of flavonoids is part Resveratrol, a molecule contained in particular in red wine, of which have long been known properties antineoplastic.It's contained in the hops and also has anti-oxidant properties and the current state chemioprotective. The Xanthohumol knowledge seems to be able to act at different levels on the process of formation of a cancer.I started with taking the product I bought in herbal medicine.Unfortunately, the high costs especially when compared to a hormone treatment.For the capsules in herbal shop  spent over 50€ per month,for 2 packages of hops and a capsule of saw palmetto.On the net I discovered that many trav / crossdresser use hop pellets, those used to produce homebrew beer.

A quick tour etwoilà found on the net, and a pack of 100gr costs around € 3-5 so a month of treatment with a substantial money savings.I read about trav / cross it also assume that 7 gr. day, I take 3gr daily divided for breakfast lunch and dinner. I got amazing results, especially as regards the 'weight gain 11lbs in 3 months and regrowth of hair, as well  gain 4 cm around the breast.Obviously not all gold all that glitters.Some foreign friends say they have used for years in a row, and even to stay transictioned only whith hops.I can honestly say that among them is one that has more effects, but from here to say transictioned  only with pellets or any other type of plant is impossible.I personally have not come to use it for more than three months ,because gastritis that inevitably causes the hop at least for me.
I did 3 months of use and 2 months  break.

I want to say that.

 The hormone treatment is different than this and I repeat, "natural" is not without risks to health.

This product may be fine for those who want to look a little more feminine and it works quite concerning hair loss, "obviously if you're bald, do not expect miracles, but if you're starting to lose hair is an excellent remedy.

To make you see the difference here is some pictures of how I was before and after, click here.

If you have questions and comments of course write comments on post.

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